Fancy a taste, or to just get stuck in?
You can take either route at IWK.

We offer school student internships, traditional vocational training and dual study programs.


A great way to get to know what we do is by studying while also experiencing the real-life world of work.

It’s a career-enhancing combination. Think it’s right for you?

Dual study programs offer the ideal blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Our dual students alternate between 12-week phases of theoretical learning at Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe and practical experience in our specialist departments.

Electrical engineering program:

The focal area of this program is electrical design (hardware and software) together with the development and optimization of automation systems and their components. In this role your eventual responsibilities will include the programming and implementation of computers in the technical processes of innovative packing machines.

Information technology program:

Software processing and project handling play an important role in the practical section of the program. Knowledge and understanding of the IT infrastructure of packaging machines – including their structure and components, operating system, programming languages and application programs, software development and engineering – is the foundation for the expert team-based collaboration that fuels our developments.

Mechanical engineering program:

The study programs and vocational training in this area focus on the development of high-tech packing machines using the most advanced CAD systems and techniques. Design and optimization of automation systems, focusing on the mechanical components and commissioning of these systems.

Engineering management program:

Both the business and the technical components characterize the various areas of application, e.g. in materials management, manufacturing, engineering, sales and controlling. The combination of business administration and technology are the main tasks for the management of operational processes and their optimization.

What are your desired studies?


Vocational training apprenticeships

Vocational training – get your career off to a flying start at IWK and dive into professional life. Sounds good?

From an early age you have been fascinated by how things are constructed, and wondered how you could dismantle them and put them back together again – does this sound like you? Well now you have the chance to make that dream come true. We offer training apprenticeship positions for a future career in high-tech mechanical engineering:

Automation technology electrical engineers:

Assembly and installation of electronic components of drive, control and servo technology, programming and controlling of machines and systems.

Mechatronics engineers:

A winning combination – mechanics meets electronics! Assembly, repair and maintenance of systems and plants.

Industrial mechanics:

Assembly of complex machines and systems, commissioning of machines and systems – including on-site for our international customers.

All professional training apprenticeships last 3 1/2 years, conducted with us in the company and at the vocational school.

Completing an apprenticeship at IWK comes with a high likelihood of becoming a permanent employee. In addition, it offers fantastic professional prospects and enables a period of working abroad at one of our subsidiaries very early in your time with us. The experience you gain from such an opportunity, in combination with the theoretical content you have learned, forms an ideal foundation for your career.

Any other questions?


Are you already looking at your dream job?

A compulsory internship or purely what interests you – what’s your plan?

Do you have to complete an internship organized by your school this year? For a person who is interested in technology, an application to IWK means the opportunity to learn how much a high-tech mechanical engineering company has to offer you.

We offer student internships within the framework of BOGY and BORS internships, as well as open-house and informational events. If you want to know exactly what we can offer you, we would be pleased to assist and advise; contact us for a chat and we can answer any questions you may have.